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  • Spice Mobile : Google InApp Purchases
    Google InApp Purchases feature is now available from v4.0.
    In Spice Mobile android app, users may now purchase a subscription directly within the app by using the billing system provided by Google Play.
    Click Subscribe in the app and select the desired subscription.
    If you are a new user, then create an account from within the app, or sign in if you are already a member.
    Once the payment is completed, you are all set to access Spice content.
    Google Play Subscription
  • Seven Most Useful Writing Apps for Authors
    #1 Spice Mobile: A Phrase Thesaurus & History of the English Language
  • Huffington Post
    The Top 10 Apps for Writers
  • The Expert Editor
    #3 on the Top 55 Apps for Writers in 2016
  • Spice:
    A Phrase Thesaurus & History of the
    English Language
    Are you tired of describing your heroine as kind, pretty and nice?
    Have you mulled over every synonym of darkness only to be stuck on black?
    Would perusing descriptive metaphors and similes inspire your creative process?
    Try Spice for inspiration!
    Tick Mark
    For a free trial, download Spice.
  • Spice Professional
    Functions as a MAC and PC app.
    Insert interactive graphs and timelines directly into your document.
    Add citations automatically in MLA, APA, or Chicago.
    Mac Book
    Access to over 27000 phrases
    Phrase History: up to five oldest source citations
    Direct links to each source on Amazon
    Frequency of use per phrase
    Graphs track cumulative usage for a view of phrase history
  • Spice Mobile
    Functions as a phone and tablet app
    Designed for on-the-go access to our phrase thesaurus
    Includes interactive graphs and timelines tracking the cumulative usage of each phrase!
    Mobile Devices
    > Easily share phrases by email, text or Twitter
    > Access to over 27000 phrases
    > Phrase History: up to five oldest source citations
    > Frequency of use per phrase
    > Timelines and graphs for in-depth view of history
    > Associative linking between similar phrases
  • Earn Money Reading
    We need new phrases for Spice.
    We want your help.
    We will pay you.
    Sell Your Phrases
    What we are looking for:
    > pithy phrases
    > inspiring thoughts
    > clever snippets
    > creative nuances
    > intriguing syntax
    Dust off your notebooks, journals and books. Sell phrases today!
    Current Rate*:
    *Rates subject to change without notice
  • "What a cool idea... should help those moments of... hmmm, what now?" -Eric Delabarre, author of Saltwater Taffy
  • "This is the single best tool for inspiration available, period. I use it every time I write!" -F. Rutledge Hammes, author of A Curious Matter of Men with Wings
  • "This is a great idea for an app. As a writer, I can see myself using this all the time." -Dwayne Alexander Smith, screenwriter
  • "What a great tool for writers; I can see so many uses for this." -Emily Roberson, author of Life, Motherhood, & the Pursuit of the Perfect Handbag
  • "This refreshingly creative app is the spark plug I now choose to start my day." -Reviewer, iTunes App Store
  • "Spice is the antidote for writer's block." -Aron Leigh, songwriter
  • "One of the Top 10 Apps for Writers" -Fueled, mobile and web design and development company
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You can sign up for an account through this site. You simply have to click the link to "Sign Up" to begin the process.

You are not able to hide your username. If you choose to write a biography description and upload a personal image, this information will be visible to other users when you post to the Gathering. The Gathering posts, Community nominations, and phrase submissions cannot be anonymous. Only the staff at The Writer's Muse will see your list of submitted phrases.

To edit your account information, click “Edit” at the bottom of your account page. Change the information that you want to change, then click “Submit” to confirm those changes or “Cancel” to leave your page the way it was.

Author Biography displays the short biography and image you submitted about yourself when you created an account. Click “edit” here to edit this information at any time.

Phrases Summary gives you a brief view of your phrase submissions. “Pending” shows how many phrases you have pending for approval or rejection. “Phrases Submitted” indicates the total number of phrases you have submitted. “Phrases Accepted” indicates the total number of phrases that have been accepted in to the Spice Database. “Total Earned” indicates the total amount of money you have earned from phrase submissions. It is in U.S. currency. “Balance” indicates the amount of money you currently have in your account. “Average Response Time” indicates the average time it takes for users to hear back from The Writer's Muse Phrase Review Team regarding the acceptance or rejection of phrases.

My Submissions displays all of the phrases Pending and Accepted for a particular account. “Pending” has all of the phrases that are still pending acceptance or rejection, starting with the most recent submission. “Accepted” has all of the phrases officially accepted and bought by The Writer's Muse Phrase Review Team, starting with the most recently accepted phrases.

Payment Options is where you will decide how to receive your earnings. “Balance” is the amount of money presently posted to your account. The “Transfer” box allows you to enter a dollar amount for transfer; you must transfer a minimum of $5.00 with the exception of Community—you may donate any amount to a Community.

You may choose to transfer your earnings to:

Community: When this option is selected, a popup will open, listing your communities. Then you may choose a community and an amount to transfer to that community.

Check: Be sure the address listed on your account is accurate.

PayPal Account: You must enter the email address of your PayPal account.

Clicking “Transfer” confirms and processes your selections.

Manage Subscriptions is where you make changes to your subscriptions. You will always have an “Add a Subscription” option, which will direct you to the products page. Underneath that, there is a list of all the active subscriptions for your account with the expiration date of each subscription. “Renew” directs you to Paypal to renew your subscription and “Unsubscribe” directs you to Paypal to cancel your subscription. “Remove device” lets you remove your Spice subscription from a device.

My Communities serves as a quick reference for you to see the communities you have joined, listing each of the communities you are currently joined to. Clicking on a particular community will direct to that community’s main page.

My Messages serves as a preview to your messages, showing the ten most recent messages. It lists the username of the sender and the subject line. If you click these abbreviated messages, the full message will open.

To edit your account information, click “Edit” at the bottom of your account page. Change the information that you want to change, then click “Submit” to confirm those changes or “Cancel” to leave your page the way it was.

Author Biography displays the short biography and image you submitted about yourself when you created an account. Click “edit” here to edit this information at any time.

Phrases Summary gives you a brief view of your phrase submissions. “Pending” shows how many phrases you have pending for approval or rejection. “Phrases Submitted” indicates the total number of phrases you have submitted. “Phrases Accepted” indicates the total number of phrases that have been accepted in to the Spice Database. “Total Earned” indicates the total amount of money you have earned from phrase submissions. It is in U.S. currency. “Balance” indicates the amount of money you currently have in your account. “Average Response Time” indicates the average time it takes for users to hear back from The Writer's Muse Phrase Review Team regarding the acceptance or rejection of phrases.

My Submissions displays all of the phrases Pending and Accepted for a particular account. “Pending” has all of the phrases that are still pending acceptance or rejection, starting with the most recent submission. “Accepted” has all of the phrases officially accepted and bought by The Writer's Muse Phrase Review Team, starting with the most recently accepted phrases.

Payment Options is where you will decide how to receive your earnings. “Balance” is the amount of money presently posted to your account. The “Transfer” box allows you to enter a dollar amount for transfer; you must transfer a minimum of $5.00 with the exception of Community—you may donate any amount to a Community.

You may choose to transfer your earnings to:

Community: When this option is selected, a popup will open, listing your communities. Then you may choose a community and an amount to transfer to that community.

Check: Be sure the address listed on your account is accurate.

PayPal Account: You must enter the email address of your PayPal account.

Clicking “Transfer” confirms and processes your selections.

Manage Subscriptions is where you make changes to your subscriptions. You will always have an “Add a Subscription” option, which will direct you to the products page. Underneath that, there is a list of all the active subscriptions for your account with the expiration date of each subscription. “Renew” directs you to Paypal to renew your subscription and “Unsubscribe” directs you to Paypal to cancel your subscription. “Remove device” lets you remove your Spice subscription from a device.

My Communities serves as a quick reference for you to see the communities you have joined, listing each of the communities you are currently joined to. Clicking on a particular community will direct to that community’s main page.

My Messages serves as a preview to your messages, showing the ten most recent messages. It lists the username of the sender and the subject line. If you click these abbreviated messages, the full message will open.

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